What is CIC?
Levels, Ranks, and Emblems
Point System
CTs, CCs, and CPs

Point System

Cloraxignescent Clan [CIC]
      CLan of Sparks and Fire

     For gaining levels and ranks, you will rely on the POINT SYSTEM. This is a system in which you gain points by winning [and losing] matches against other CIC individuals. This is the 'formula' of wins minus loses. That number [that you aquire] will be added up until reached a certain point for a "level up." [for example, if you win 6 times and lose 2 times, you gain 4 points [6-2=4] If you need 10 points for next level, and you gain 4 points, you need now 6 points until next level.]
Current points:
----- current points:__ pts until next level: __
----- current points:__ pts until next level: __
----- current points:__ pts until next level: __

If you would like to join the clan or you have questions, comments, or suggestions, email me at shortirocker21@yahoo.com or IM me on Sh0r7i21 via AIM.