What is CIC?
Levels, Ranks, and Emblems
Point System
CTs, CCs, and CPs

Levels, Ranks, and Emblems

Cloraxignescent Clan [CIC]
      CLan of Sparks and Fire

     Your level and rank prove how good your performance is in the clan. It also states your power throughout the clan. There are three ranks: Newcomers [beginners], Members [middleclass], and Ultimates [gentry]. There are eleven levels, 0-10. Newcomers have five of the eleven, 0-4. Members also have five, 5-9, leaving Ultimates with one, level 10.
     Each level and rank are shape-coded and color-coded. Newcomers have the small circle, Members have the large circle *with an exception of the small circle in the large circle-level 9*, and Ultimates have the star. Color wise, red is the lowest, then blue, green, and yellow being the highest.
     To gain levels, there will be clan tornaments every month. [may be more than one] To gain rank, you must be a level 4 Newcomer or a level 9 Member, and must participate in a clan challenge. [more info about these as you move on throughout the site.]

If you would like to join the clan or you have questions, comments, or suggestions, email me at shortirocker21@yahoo.com or IM me on Sh0r7i21 via AIM.